I met this boy just in class 8th, young, energetic & full of life. I must say he was more matured than anyone of his age could be. A deep thinker, a question or inquiry on every new thing that he came across, always willing to know pr learn but yet poor in studies (as would be the case, remember Ishaan Awasthi in TZP- gone all across the solar system but scored a big "anda" in a simple multiplication problem). He was surprised at all the theories & equations of science, wanted to know whats behind all this action of force, reaction, gravity & creation. He was ever humble & respectful to his parents, teachers, elders & always a loving n caring friend to his friends and siblings. He would think about what all the chicken went through before it could be served as a tasty chilly chicken curry on his table ;), why was Dad angry on Mom on a simple issue (may be Dad knew what he knew not or is it that Mom deserved it?), why was his 6 month young brother crying without a reason. He was worried & thoughtful about all the things that seem a pain or a useless thought to most of the 20+ youngsters as well, though he could not solve these entangeled mysteries but he atleast made an attempt to 'Think'. He had roughly a good idea about sex but how could he dare to ask more & whom could he? was a Big question, but future would always be kind to help him open this Pandora's box or may be he had to be patient as his Dad would always say "Knock n wait, for the door is sure to open". He would sometimes have a secretive view on all the half clad glam CHICKS which whr on papers daily or on the T.V, though not so interested but would sometimes get a peek into the pornographic stuff that his friends got to school. He was satisfied & dint want to learn or know more coz his main focus was not that but what can he learn & explore on, why and how did things come into existence, how he could establish a humble but self developed business empire of his own in the future ahead. He never wanted to be Bill gates or Narayan Murthy but YES he sure wanted to do something that would make him satisfied & happy every time he accomplished it. He was put down by many & motivated by few...
Now lets change the scene,

I met another young teen who was ready to appear for his boards(10th). He was the champ, always up to date on his styling, clothing, moves & ever loving hip hop music. He could hardly understand what had got into the teacher who was blabbering on some stupid topic which seemed so simple, by the way you know 'The ball that went up had to always come down' what extraordinary thing did Mr. Newton do..He thought all these scientists had no better work but to come out with some weird equations for such simple & common things. He never thought it was worth even to think about why n how the seed grow into a tree, he knew after all its the fruit that he was concerned about (If it falls down by an 'out of the world' term called gravity well n good or I will go an pluck it myself :)). But believe me he would score exceptionally great marks, he knew they whr needed for Dad & Mom to be happy with him and buy him whatever he needed, yes they whr of great use to pride himself in front of all his friends who would fight for his company during exams. The teachers could say or do nothing about his chatting & playing pranks in class coz he was after all a consistent scorer. He knew he had all of them under the blanket of his influence. The chicken was just superb on plate, after all that’s it original place you see it smells pathetically when its alive!!:) What the F*** do Mom & Dad think? why they screaming & shouting? Dad is always over powering & Mom always silly!! It was anyway better to get back to his Jazz, rock & pop on his very own iPod, that sure would give him some 'PEACE of mind' ;):). Wow he was a Macho in front of all his female friends, sex was something that really needed some experimenting, he knew enough on its theory that any kid of his age could imagine. Also done most of the pre steps with his many girlfriends with whom he chatted every min that he could, through dates, msgs, phones or CHIRKUTTING(or rather Orkuting):), what he was eagerly waiting for was the very exciting conclusion! How he would like to know & learn more about the different sizes, shapes & figures of all the famous models. How he couldn’t wait to fantasies about the sexy blondes whom he loved to watch (and yes he never had to search for them it was as if some1 exactly knew what he wanted & it was all available around him..absolutely FREE & without a parda in thought or view). Why did he ever needed to think about doing something on his own, with the on target scores that he was shooting he was sure to get himself some good degree & also a job, if that’s not possible Dad's always thr: how on earth can he leave his son without a means of sustenance (after all whatever he owned would come to him 1 fine day). The only motto in life that he could understand was 'Enjoy Life to the brim!', satisfaction is the pleasure that can come only by achieving what you want; thr is no good & no bad its only once perspective of things (does not matter even if I have to walk naked on the road coz you see everyone is doing it, its the hottest fashion in town; after all I have to be better & 1 among the first few to do it ;)). He was looked up by many (they would say: "1 day this boy is gona make his parents proud"; how & why u never know;):)) & sympathized by very few (actually none)..

This is not a story of two Youngsters but is actually the reality of the life that "Had To Be" & a life "That Is" of our Teens today (it could be your sweet young brother/sister, the young chap next door, your relative or anyone). Are we being an example for them for what they are doing? Do we at least realize that it’s not good to live our life (selfishly) & let them experience n learn what we have realized after a long struggle or have seen others go through? Is it not we who have been thr & done that to help them understand whr they are?
Just THINK it does not cost a pie But it sure SAVEs the future of the entire NATION or the whole WORLD from moving towards destruction & HELPS all to live in PEACE..